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Republic of Cyprus

The Director of the Department of Fisheries and Marine Research, as from December 15, 2015 is Mrs Marina Argyrou.

Brief Curriculum Vitae

Marina Argyrou was born in Nicosia (Cyprus) in 1963. After she graduated the Pancyprian Gymnasium, she obtained her first degree in Biology (BSc) from Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece and later MSc degree on Marine Ecology from Tulane University, New Orleans, U.S.A. after being awarded scholarships from both World Bank and Tulane University on the basis of her academic performance.

She started her professional career in 1989 at the Department of Fisheries and Marine Research (DFMR) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, where, since 1994 to 2005 she was leading the Marine Biology and Ecology section and from 2005 to 2015 became Head of the Marine Environment Division of the Department.

From her previous positions at the DFMR she developed research activities in the fields of marine biodiversity and ecology and in particular, on the structural and compositional changes of marine macrobenthos associated with anthropogenic impacts (i.e. aquaculture, desalination, etc), on spatial & temporal dynamics of chlorophyll-α and nutrients and overall on the coastal and marine waters quality assessment. Her responsibilities included inter alia the implementation of Habitats Directive as regards marine Natura 2000 sites, development of Marine Protected Areas, including Artificial Reefs, and protection and conservation of endangered marine species and habitats.

She participated in several EU and Interreg funded projects. She is author and co-author in more than 24 reviewed scientific publications.

She is the National Focal Point for the Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biodiversity (SPA/BD) of the Barcelona Convention, as well as the National Focal Point for MED POL of UNEP/MAP. Since 2010, she is the Marine Director of Cyprus for the implementation of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

She is the chairperson of the Marine Scientific Research Committee established under the relevant legislation for scientific research in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Republic of Cyprus and member in various other national Committees, such as Integrated Maritime Policy Coordinated Committee, Habitats Directive Scientific Committee etc. In 2015 she has been designated as a member of the Council of the Oceanographic Centre of the University of Cyprus.

As from December 15, 2015 she became Director of the Department of Fisheries and Marine Research (DFMR) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment.

Mrs. Argyrou is married and has two daughters.
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Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment
Department of Fisheries and Marine Research