Republic of Cyprus

Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emmissions

Greenhouse Gas emission reductions
Greenhouse Gas emission reductions

As stated in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, part of the effort to tackle climate change, is to mitigate the problem, which can only be achieved through reducing greenhouse gas emissions. To achieve emission reductions, a plan must be appropriately designed to include measures to be taken to reduce emissions, the body responsible for implementing the measures, the costs of implementation of measures and the implementation of the measures.

Strategic plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

The Cyprus Strategic Plan for limiting greenhouse gas emissions was prepared in 2002.

Since our accession to the European Union, the strategic plan was replaced by the “policies and measures” submitted to the European Commission every two years starting in 2005.

However, taking into account the new conditions and obligations of the country, it is necessary to prepare a new strategic plan.

First Strategic Plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions

The first Strategic Plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, was carried out by the National Observatory of Athens, upon assignment by the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment in 2002.

The plan included:

    · calculation of greenhouse gas emissions in Cyprus for 1990-1998

    · assessment of the growth of emissions for the period up to 2020

    · assessment of prospects for limiting greenhouse gas emissions

    · cost analysis of the benefit from the implementation of various measures to reduce emissions.

One of the conclusions was that the energy generation and use sector must form the basis for reaching the goals of the Plan, with programmes and measures that are already part of the energy policy, such as:

    (a) The construction of new conventional units to be installed in the system fuelled by natural gas.

    (b) Withdrawal of old electricity-generating steam turbines

    (c) Installation of wind farms.

    (d) Implementation of major interventions in the home – tertiary sector aimed at the penetration of more efficient electrical appliances as well as improving the energy performance of buildings.

It has been determined that the transport sector should also play an important role, particularly through encouraging the use of public transport, using small-cylinder vehicles, regular maintenance of vehicles, etc.

Based on the above, the Council of Ministers, after proposal by the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, adopted the strategic plan at its general principles and authorized the Minister of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment to coordinate the gradual implementation of the Plan, in collaboration with all stakeholders in the public and private sectors and following its modification by seriously considering the views of the various stakeholders.

A summary of the first Strategic Plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions can be found here.

Upgrade of the Strategic Plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions

In the context of implementation of the Regulation of the European Union for the Governance of the Energy Union, the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan is being prepared in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism. For its preparation and implementation, the decision of the Council of Ministers no. 83.709 dated 15/11/2017 “National System of Governance on Climate and Energy - National Action Plan 2021-2030".

The structure of the National System of Governance is available here.

Assessment of the measures of reducing greenhouse gas emissions

In the context of planning to achieve the targets of reduction of the greenhouse gas emission for 2030 (-24% compared to 2005 from the non-ETS sectors, i.e. agriculture, waste, transport, industry, buildings) and the choice of action on funding from the auctioning of greenhouse gas emission allowances, a study was carried out at the Cyprus University of Technology by Dr. Theodoros Zachariadis, Associate Professor of the Department of Environmental Science and Technology, aiming to present the cost-effectiveness of Emission Mitigation Measures in Cyprus. The study was funded by the European Commission and is available here

Last Modified at: 25/04/2024 09:59:05 AM
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