Republic of Cyprus
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Republic of Cyprus


Department's vision is to become the authority that protects and enhances the environment and also aims to ensure sustainable development and improve the quality of life.

The mission of the Department of Environment is to protect the environment through effective management, and strengthening public awareness for the benefit of public health, quality of life and against loss of biodiversity both for today's society and future generations.
Environmental protection is achieved through the rational management of resources and waste, the impact assessment, pollution control, tackle actions on climate change and halt the risk of loss of species and habitats, while helping to promote green growth within the contents of circular economy.
Key Objectives of the three years 2016 - 2018
- Reducing the environmental impact of development projects and projects
- Implementation of management plans and actions for protected areas NATURA 2000 network aiming at the effective protection of the Network.
- Promote the licensing of all facilities that have waste water in order to protect both soil and water resources of Cyprus.
- Create an integrated network of waste management installations promoting separation systems at source, as an important target for recycling and recovery.
- Mitigation and adaptation to climate change.
- Strengthening institutional capacity and improving the efficiency of the Department, also, is always within the priority areas.

As technocrats officers we believe that our goals match with the objectives of the European Environmental Acquits, always taking into account the particularities of our country and are aimed at the sustainable development to which they aspire. The pursuit of our objectives is done by the Department Officers always in line with the timeless values ​​stated below and which in governing professional competence, the Department of Environment.

Disclosure of Values of the Department of Environment
Our values ​​exist and are cornerstones of culture that the management is trying to create a body. These can either be created intentionally or manifest themselves. Regardless of how everything developed are key operating values. Our own makes the agency officially in front of a great opportunity.
When the values ​​are published, they can be repeated, to be recognized and rewarded with positive results. We will see other actions that will strengthen in the coming months and years ahead. Remember that:
Our values ​​are beliefs that guide our behavior.

How do we ensure our future success?

There are innumerable examples colleagues to apply the following principles.
The energy of the publication is to highlight and publicly declared:
These are the values ​​that guide our conduct and ensure our continued success.

Value our 1st Care environment The serve honestly and with zest

The expectations of society and the State to protect the environment are beacon for our work. The thoughts and our actions must always be focused on answering the question "What impact will this decision or action on the environment and that will be more friendly to the environment itself. In the past, we have made successes thanks to our willingness to serve the environment.

We will continue to have this care at the forefront of our priorities and decisions. Those who wish to distinguish themselves must always be willing to serve honestly. We will continue to be an organization known for his outspoken "service spirit" of.

Value 2nd Responsible management

Operator is someone whom appointed an owner and commissioned to run the property. So I think that all the things we have at our disposal we borrow. We can not take with us, but we can use them as we are here on Earth. I also feel that we are responsible for everything you have trusted us - our time, talents, our financial resources and relationships. We will act accordingly and we will continue to be good stewards.

Value 3rd Creativity

This was and will be always, a hallmark of the Department. You attach value to creativity, we'll recognize it, you will attract people who have and will develop in those who are lying dormant. The ability to think creatively is a gift given to us all and we are determined to make the greatest possible extent. We will never be satisfied with an existing state of affairs.

Last Modified at: 23/09/2024 02:34:37 PM
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Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment Department of Environment
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