Republic of Cyprus
Department of Forests

User Satisfaction Survey

Your opinion is important to us!

As a visitor of the Department of Forests, you can contribute to its improvement and further development. We would like you to dedicate a few minutes of your time to complete this questionnaire.

Please be informed that your answers are anonymous and will be used solely for the purpose of statistical analysis. We thank you in advance for your time.

Country of Residence:

1. Education Level:

2. Internet Usage Experience:

3. Age:

4. Sex:

5. For which reasons do you visit the website? (Choose all applicable):

6. Have you found the information you were looking for?

7. Rate the Department of Forests website in the following points::
a. How useful are the information and services offered?

b. Did you find the information and/or services your were looking for easily?

c. How easy was it to find your way around the site (navigation)?

d. How helpful is the structure and organisation of the information and services offered?

e. Did you like the design (look and feel) of the website?

f. What is your overall rating for the website?

8. Would you recommend the Department of Forests website to others?

9. What do you like the most in the website?

10. 10. What do you dislike the most in the website?

11. What would you like to see added to the website? (Suggestions for improvement)



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you see on the left:

User Satisfaction Survey

Complaints Submission Form