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Republic of Cyprus
European Community

Download Acrobat fileRegulation (EE) 508/2014 (Attachment size: 1292.46Kb)
Download Acrobat fileRegulation (EE) 1303/2013 Common Provisions (Attachment size: 1827.72Kb)
Download Acrobat fileDecision (EU) 372/2014 Annual Breakdown per MS (Attachment size: 472.6Kb)
Download Acrobat fileDecision (EU) 464/2014 Union Priorities for Control and Enforcement (Attachment size: 314.46Kb)
Download Acrobat fileDecision of the 18th of Jyne 2014 Technical Assistance (Attachment size: 116.53Kb)
Download Acrobat fileRegulation (EU) 771/2014 Rules laid down pursuant to 508/2014 (Attachment size: 525.67Kb)
Download Acrobat fileRegulation (EU) 772/2014 Intensity of Public Aid (Attachment size: 305.37Kb)
Download Acrobat fileRegulation (EU) 763/2014 Information and Publicity (Attachment size: 355.88Kb)
Download Acrobat fileRegulation (EU) 1232/2014 Amending Regulation 215/2014 (Attachment size: 325.61Kb)
Download Acrobat fileRegulation (EU) 1242/2014 Presentation of Data (Attachment size: 514.03Kb)
Download Acrobat fileRegulation (EU) 1243/2014 Information by MS (Attachment size: 379.3Kb)
Download Acrobat fileRegulation (EU) 1362/2014 Procedure for approval of amendments of OP and annual reports (Attachment size: 457.69Kb)
Download Acrobat fileRegulation (EU) 288/2015 Period of Time for Inadmissibility of applications (Attachment size: 334.97Kb)
Download Acrobat fileRegulation (EU) 1014/2014 Common Monitoring Evaluation System (Attachment size: 701.08Kb)
Download Acrobat fileCorrigenda of Regulation (EU) 1014/2014 (Attachment size: 365.64Kb)
Download Acrobat fileRegulation (EU) 1046/2014 Criteria for the Calculation of Additional Costs of Outermost Regions (Attachment size: 314.46Kb)
Download Acrobat fileRegulation (EU) 531/2014 Working conditions of fishermen, Protection of environment, Energy effiviency of fishing vessels and Mitigation of effects in climate change (Attachment size: 338.86Kb)
Download Acrobat file616/2015 (EU) Amendment of 480/2014 (Attachment size: 308.01Kb)
Download Acrobat fileRegulation 852/2015 (EU) Interruption or suspension of payments because of non compliance with the rules of the CFP (Attachment size: 323.04Kb)
Download Acrobat fileRegulation (EU) 895/2015 Transitional Provisions (Attachment size: 397.73Kb)
Download Acrobat fileRegulation (EU) 2020/560 amending Regulations (EU) No 508/2014 and (EU) No 1379/2013 as regards specific measures to mitigate the impact of the COVID‐19 outbreak in the fishery and aquaculture sector (Attachment size: 908.91Kb)

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Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment
Operational Fisheries Programme 2014-2020