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    Non - Commercial Movements of Pet Animals

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Download the Acrobat File576 2013 en.pdf (File Size:189.21Kb)
Download the Acrobat Filepassport before 29122014_2003 803 en.pdf (File Size:973.34Kb)
Download the Word Fileregistered rabies vaccines.docx (File Size:18.29Kb)
Download the Word Fileregistered rabies vaccines.docx (File Size:18.29Kb)
Download the Acrobat Filewriitten declaration_article 25 3 en.pdf (File Size:59.67Kb)
Download the Acrobat Filewritten declaration_article 12 en.pdf (File Size:59.78Kb)
Download the Acrobat Filefees en.pdf (File Size:79.24Kb)
Download the Acrobat Fileeu_passport_eng.pdf (File Size:2628.06Kb)
Download the Acrobat Filethird country_passport_eng.pdf (File Size:2531.77Kb)
Download the Acrobat Fileannex ii_part 1_29102019.pdf (File Size:102.17Kb)
Download the Acrobat Fileannex ii_part 1 and 2 eng.pdf (File Size:310.2Kb)
Download the Acrobat Fileanimal health certificate for third countries 29102019.pdf (File Size:761.37Kb)
Download the Acrobat Fileregulation 577_2013 eng.pdf (File Size:2498.28Kb)
Download the Acrobat Fileκδπ 2021_1_95_page 8.pdf (File Size:699.96Kb)

Last update on:

06/05/2010 08:10:00 AM

© 2006 - 2024 Republic of Cyprus, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment,
Veterinary Services
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