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Adamides George - Senior Agricultural Research Officer (Rural Development)
Christou Anastasis - Agricultural Research Officer A΄ (Natural Resources and Environment)
Dalias Panagiotis - Agricultural Research Officer A’ (Natural Resources and Environment)
Emmanouelidou Maria - Agricultural Research Officer (Fruit Trees)
Fasoula Dionysia - Agricultural Research Officer A’ (Plant Improvement)
Contact Information
Tel.: +357-22403124
Email: dfasoula@ari.moa.gov.cy
Research Interests
- Plant Breeding and Genetics-Molecular Genetics
- Prognostic Breeding– Innovative Methodology of Plant Breeding for cultivar development, exploitation of epigenetic phenomena, mitigation of biotic and abiotic stressors/Climate Change
- Plant Breeding for Organic and Low-Input Agriculture – Participatory Approaches- Traditional varieties
- Epigenetic phenomena in Plant Breeding-Epigenomics
- Systems Biology
- Precision Agriculture
Giannakopoulou Marianthi - Agricultural Research Officer (Rural Development)
Hadjipavlou Georgia - Agricultural Research Officer A’ (Animal Production)
Contact Information
Tel.: +357-22403122
Email: ghadjipavlou@ari.moa.gov.cy
Research Interests
- Dissecting genetic components, quantitative trait loci and polymorphisms affecting production and reproduction traits in local livestock populations
- Genetic study of disease resistance in small ruminants
- Genetic evaluation and selection of sheep and goat breeds
- Use of novel approaches for genomic evaluation of sheep and goats
- Conservation and sustainable use of farm animal genetic resources
Ioannidou Sotiroula - Agricultural Research Officer (Fruit Trees)
Ioannou Stavroula - Agricultural Research Officer (Rural Development)
Kapari-Isaia Theodora - Senior Agricultural Research Officer (Plant Protection)
Kyratzis Angelos - Agricultural Research Officer A΄ (Vegetables)
Kyriacou Marios - Senior Agricultural Research Officer (Vegetables)
Mina Kyriacos - Agricultural Research Officer (Cultivar Registration Center)
Neocleous Damianos - Senior Agricultural Research Officer (Natural Resources and Environment)
Omirou Michalis - Agricultural Research Officer A΄ (Agrobiotechnology)
Pallides Andreas - Agricultural Research Officer A’ (Plant Improvement)
Papadavid George - Agricultural Research Officer A’ (Rural Development)
Contact Information
Tel.: +357-22403118
Email: gpapadavid@ari.moa.gov.cy
Research Interests
- Agricultural Economics
- Remote Sensing in Agriculture and Environment
Papayiannis Lambros - Agricultural Research Officer A’ (Plant Protection)
Pitta Christina - Senior Agricultural Research Officer (Plant Improvement)
Savvides Savvas - Senior Agricultural Research Officer (Fruit Trees)
Seraphides Nicos - Agricultural Research Officer A’ (Plant Protection)
Contact Information
Tel.: +357-22403206
Email: nseraphides@ari.moa.gov.cy
Research Interests
- Biology, ecology, behavior and integrated pest management of insect pests
- Rearing of beneficial insects (Macrolophus pygmaeus, Nesidiocoris tenuis, Chrysoperla carnea, Diglyphus isaea, Aphytis melinus, Comperiella bifasciata)
- Insecticide toxicity and Resistance
Soteriou Georgios - Agricultural Research Officer A΄ (Vegetables)
Sparaggis Dionysis - Agricultural Research Officer (Animal Production)
Stavridou Constantina - Agricultural Research Officer (Plant Improvement)
Stylianou Andreas - Agricultural Research Officer (Rural Development)
Vassiliou Loukia - Agricultural Research Officer (Natural Resources and Environment)
Vassiliou Vassilis - Senior Agricultural Research Officer (Animal Production)