The duties of the Naval Service of the Department of Fisheries and Marine research are the following:
a) Marine Patrols in order to verify the implementation of Fishing Control regulations and also EU regulations.
b) Research programs
c) Oil pollution combat
d) Co operation with other governmental departments concerning works carried out in the sea and water reservoirs
According to the Ministers Council’s decision dated 29/04/2011 No 72.032 for responsibilities in the case of oil pollution, the naval service of D.F.M.R. is responsible for the combat of small incidents of oil pollution at sea.
For incidents which the DFMR cannot respond, then the Department of Merchant Shipping shall take action and the responsibility with the assistance of DFMR.
The Naval Service of the DFMR is also responsible for the coordination / Joining and implementing the Monthly Program stand by for oil pollution incidents.
The Naval Service of the DFMR has all the necessary equipment / material for pollution combating of up to €2.000.000.
Apart from the national plan concerning the combating of oil at sea, the naval service of DFMR is participating in the national search and rescue plan "ΝΕΑΡΧΟΣ" and also in the emergency plan "SEVESO II "
The Naval Service staff is as follows:
- 2 master mariners
- 3 naval engineers
- 9 AB ( of which 3 of them received relevant training and accordingly hold licenses for operation of small high speed crafts )
These are high speed patrol boats for multiple purposes. These vessels are respectively berthed at the fishing shelter of Limassol old Port, Larnaca port, Paralimni fishing shelter. The Vessels are built with G.R.P, have a length of 12 meters and can achieve a speed of 22 knots. They are mainly used for patrols, research programs, and challenging of oil at sea.
F12, F13,F14.
These are inflatable patrol boats of respective lengths of 5.6 m, 8.5 m and 8.50 m. They can achieve a speed of 45 knots and are mainly used for short distance patrols, emergency checks for illegal fishing and oil pollution.