Water Development Department

Waste Water Directive (91/271/EEC)

Planning and construction of domestic waste water, industrial waste water, redundant sludge and drainage treatment plants

The project for the construction of a treatment plant for residential sewage water, industrial waste, redundant liquid sludge and drainage from the restoration of the landfill at Vati Area is being implemented within the framework of the Cooperation Programme between the Swiss government and the Republic pf Cyprus. The National Coordinating Unit for this project is the General Directorate of European Coordination and Development Programmes.

The objectives of this cooperation are: a) contribute to the reduction of financial and social inequalities between Cyprus and most of the developed countries of the enlarged European Union and b) contribute in the sustainable environmental and social development of Cyprus.

The general objective of the project is to contribute in the implementation of the Water Directive by improving the condition of water at Polemidia dam which is located close to Vati, by the end of 2015 and which at this stage, has been assessed to be in a bad condition. This is expected to be achieved upon the termination of the operation of the existing earthen tanks for the reception of sewage water in Vati area and the construction of a suitable treatment plant for residential sewage water and industrial waste.

Signature of cooperation with the General Directorate of European Coordination and Development Programmes (Planning Office)
Signature of an agreement to build the plant. Photographs and speech of the Director of the WDD.
(Posted in Greek)
Interview at tv show “Ypethros”. (Posted in Greek)

Signature of a contract for the provision of services for the preparation of a technical-financial and environmental study about the plant. (Posted in Greek)
Notification for the Submission of an EIAS (Posted in Greek)

Planning, Construction and operation of the plant for 10 years. (Posted in Greek)

Public consultation to consider the determination of the amount of waste water treatment fees.

Consultation started on 22 September 2016 and was concluded on 21 October 2016.

Within the framework of consultation, the public and all interested bodies could submit their comments and observations in writing in accordance with the preliminary Consultation Report. (Posted in Greek).

Public consultation: One day even to consider the determination of the amount of plant’s fees- 4 October 2016. (Posted in Greek).
Final consultation Report (Posted in Greek).

One day events
One day event about the Construction Project of the Plant in Limassol – on 4 May 2017 (Posted in Greek).

Treatment Plant for Residential Sewage Water, Industrial Waste, Redundant Liquid sludge and drainage at Vati area. (Posted in Greek).
Construction of a treatment plant residential sewage water, industrial waste, redundant liquid sludge and drainage at Vati area. (Posted in Greek).
General Directorate of European Coordination and Development Programmes (Posted in Greek).
Swiss contribution in Cyprus (Posted in Greek).

News- Announcements
On site visit on Tuesday 4 April 2017 of the Representative of the Swiss Organisation for Development and cooperation of the Swiss Confederation at the plant under construction (Posted in Greek).

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