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Republic of Cyprus
Transnoundary Shipment of Waste

Transnoundary Shipment of Waste

Control of the Transboundary Movements of Waste

Basel Convention

On 22 March 1989 a Convention was adopted in Basel, Switzerland, as a result of the continued illegal disposal of toxic waste from developed countries in Africa.

The Basel Convention was implemented in 1992 with the primary aim of protecting human health and the environment from the illegal management of hazardous waste.

Its main objectives are to:

    - Reduce the production of hazardous waste and promote its environmentally sound management.

    - Ban the transboundary movement of hazardous waste in cases where its environmentally sound management is not ensured.

    - Implement a system for controlling transboundary movements of waste where permitted.

The Basel Convention has been ratified by 178 states, including Cyprus.

The website of the Convention provides instructions on how to transport and manage the following waste streams:

    - Wastes containing PCBs / PCTs.

    - Wastes containing persistent organic pollutants (POPs).

    - Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

    - Lead-Acid Battery Wastes.

    - Clinical Waste

    - Waste containing Mercury

    - Waste oils from machinery

    - Wastes from the production and use of organic solvents.

    - Co-incineration of hazardous waste at Cement Works.

    - Wastes containing DDT.

    - Used Tires.

    - Plastic waste

    - Paper waste

    - Metal waste

    European Waste Shipment Regulation (1013/2006/EC)

The European Union adopted the Basel Convention in 1993 by Regulation 259/93. This Regulation lays down tighter controls on the transboundary shipment of waste. That Regulation has now been replaced by European Regulation 1013/2006/EC.

Cyprus, as a full member of the European Union, applies, in addition to the requirements of the Basel Convention, the provisions of European Regulation 1013/2006/EC.

The Regulation sets out in detail the procedures and requirements for the movement of waste, to and through the European Union. Moreover, the European Regulation 1418/2007/EC has been issued, concerning the export for recovery of certain waste to certain countries to which the OECD Decision on the control of transboundary movements of wastes does not apply

European Union Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law - Transfontier Shipments of Waste (IMPEL-TFS)

IMPEL is the European Union Network for the development and implementation of Environmental Legislation. It is an international non-profit organisation based in Brussels, which was created in 1992 with 45 members from 32 countries (EU members, candidate countries and other European countries).

In the context of the implementation of European Regulation 1013/2006/EC, it was thought very important to create a practical network of inspectors in the framework of the IMPEL Network (Implementation of Environmental Legislature) who meet on regular intervals in order to the exchange of practical experience and develop cooperation with a view to exercise better control.

In doing so, a series of programmes have been implemented through which inspectors have been exchanged and joint campaigns of member states of the network have been carried out for the exchange of experience and inspection practices. At the same time, a significant effort is being made to engage Police and Customs to achieve more effective controls on transboundary shipments of waste.

Cyprus is actively involved in the Network and has managed to develop a very good cooperation with both the Police and the Customs Department.

Movement Authorisation/ Forms

The person carrying out the transboundary movement must obtain before any movement:

Depending on the nature of the waste (hazardous or not), of the country of destination (European or otherwise) and manner management (recovery or disposal) the Procedure of Prior Written Notification or the Procedure for General Information is applied.

The transboundary movement procedure is determined on the basis of the above and provided that the person who intends to make a transboundary movement has obtained an entry in Waste Managers Records (WMR) or Waste Management Permit.

Any person who moves to an exit point of the Republic must submit to the Customs Department, as the case may be, the following:

Where a Prior Written Notification is required:

    - Certificate of entry in the Waste Managers Records or a Waste Management Permit.

    - A Waste Movement Document completed and signed by the Department of Environment.

    - A Notification Document completed and authorised by the Competent Authority of Destination.

Where a Procedure for General Information is required:

    - Certificate of entry in the Waste Managers Records or a Waste Management Permit.

    - A completed General Information Document (Annex VII).

    - The contract between Exporter and Consignee in accordance with the requirements of Article 18.2 of Regulation 1013/2006/EC

Last Modified at: 23/09/2024 02:34:37 PM
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