Pharmaceutical Services

Activities of the Land and Water Use Section

The Section’s activities include the subdomains of Soil Science, Plant Nutrition, Water Use, Hydroponics, Agricultural Engineering, Agro-Environmental Issues, Smart Agriculture and Technical Inspection of Plant Protection Products Application Equipment (P.A.E.) and Technical Inspection of Sprayers. The aim is to upgrade agricultural production with a rational utilization of production parameters (soil, water, fertilizers and machinery) and the utilization of natural resources, within the framework of an environmentally sustainable development.

Soil Science

It covers activities related to the classification and mapping of lands for agricultural purposes. It advises land users on its suitability and on the measures that must be taken as well as the evaluation of the results of chemical analyses of the soil. A Territorial Map of Cyprus is included in the publication "The Soils of Cyprus".

Plant Nutrition

The application/use of fertilizers, the evaluation of soil and leaf analysis and the development of fertilization programs for each crop are a vital area of ​​the subdomain's activities. The application and utilization of various liquid and solid wastes in agriculture is an environmental activity of primary importance.

Water Use

The main activities of the subdomain include the provision of technical assistance for rational use, conservation and evaluation of chemical analysis of irrigation water. In this context, elaboration, design and supervision of the installation of Improved Irrigation Systems as well as the application of modern technology and irrigation automation are provided free of charge. Irrigation schedules are prepared and continuous information is provided regarding the promotion of the use of recycled water. In addition, the Department's laboratory, located in the central buildings, is fully equipped and, among other things, determines the electrical conductivity, the physical constants of the soil and permeability.


Stakeholder instructions/information on hydroponics and various substrates are provided. Nutrition programs are provided for each crop.

Agro-Environmental Issues

The conservation, proper use and reversal of environmental degradation are the agro-environmental aims and objectives of the subdomain. The publication of the Code of Good Agricultural Practice that refers to the use of fertilizers, livestock waste, recycled urban waste water and sludge, the definition of livestock areas, the monitoring of the implementation of the action program for the protection of the environment from nitrate pollution and the redefinition of less favoured areas, are first priority activities.

Agricultural Engineering

It deals with the promotion of various land improvement projects by providing technical advice and architectural plans of agricultural structures. For Spatial Development of Livestock, Livestock Areas have been created which are under the management of the Department of Agriculture and infrastructure projects are carried out in them. For the lease of livestock plots in livestock areas, a relevant Lease Agreement is signed. Infrastructure development projects are also being carried out in livestock zones. In order to solve environmental problems, it implements Plans for the Demolition of intrusive livestock buildings. The field of Agricultural Engineering also includes the scope of Agriculture Machinery which aims to promote the mechanization of agriculture and the promotion of new machines.

Smart Agriculture

There is coordination, implementation of actions, dissemination of knowledge regarding smart agriculture defined as the application of innovative and modern practices using technology to carry out agricultural activities. Technological development and digitization contribute to the more efficient use of resources, strengthening environmentally and climate-smart agriculture.

Technical Inspection of Plant Protection Products Application Equipment (P.A.E.) and Technical Inspection of Sprayers.

It deals with the control and licensing of the P.A.E.Inspection Workshops as well as with the training and licensing of the E.E.F.P. Inspectors, who will issue the relevant certificates in accordance with the E.E.F.P. In addition, it informs the farmer about the need for technical control and calibration of the P.A.E.. The Department's laboratory, located in Achelia Paphos, is fully equipped and among other things, is the training area for the inspectors.
