Research and Projects

LIFE 94/CY/B21/CY/0977/MED, 1998

The Geological Survey Department, has studied pollution in the context of the European programme “LIFE”, the study coded 94/CY/B21/CY/0977/MED, Mine Waste Management with the participation of Holland, Italy and Greece. The activities included the establishment of an observation network of underground and surface waters in the mines of Memi, Alestou, Mitsero, Mathiati, Sia, Kampion, Kalavasou, Limnis, Chromiou and Amiantou. It also included sampling of water, sediments and tailings every three months as well as the comparative analysis of the latter with various chemical methods. The results were submitted to a database and were manipulated using GIS software for the development of thematic risk maps.

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