Republic of Cyprus
Agricultural Research Institute


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Hide details for Adamides George - Senior Agricultural Research Officer (Rural Development)Adamides George - Senior Agricultural Research Officer (Rural Development)

Contact Information
Tel.: +357-22403133

Research Interests

  • ICT in agriculture
  • Robotics in agriculture
  • Information transfer and knowledge sharing
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Human-Robot Interaction

Show details for Christou Anastasis - Agricultural Research Officer A΄ (Natural Resources and Environment)Christou Anastasis - Agricultural Research Officer A΄ (Natural Resources and Environment)
Show details for Dalias Panagiotis - Agricultural Research Officer A’ (Natural Resources and Environment)Dalias Panagiotis - Agricultural Research Officer A’ (Natural Resources and Environment)
Hide details for Emmanouelidou Maria - Agricultural Research Officer (Fruit Trees)Emmanouelidou Maria - Agricultural Research Officer (Fruit Trees)

Contact Information
Tel.: +357-22403214

Research Interests
  • Olive culture, Citrus culture
  • Evaluation and conservation of olive genetic resources
  • Elaiographic description, cultivar characterization and identification of olive genetic material
  • Evaluation of olive and citrus varieties in the agri-environmental conditions of Cyprus
  • Quality characteristics and characterization of olive oil
  • Organoleptic assessment of extra virgin olive oil

Hide details for Fasoula Dionysia - Agricultural Research Officer A’ (Plant Improvement)Fasoula Dionysia - Agricultural Research Officer A’ (Plant Improvement)

Contact Information
Tel.: +357-22403124

Research Interests
  • Plant Breeding and Genetics-Molecular Genetics
  • Prognostic Breeding– Innovative Methodology of Plant Breeding for cultivar development, exploitation of epigenetic phenomena, mitigation of biotic and abiotic stressors/Climate Change
  • Plant Breeding for Organic and Low-Input Agriculture – Participatory Approaches- Traditional varieties
  • Epigenetic phenomena in Plant Breeding-Epigenomics
  • Systems Biology
  • Precision Agriculture

Show details for Giannakopoulou Marianthi - Agricultural Research Officer (Rural Development)Giannakopoulou Marianthi - Agricultural Research Officer (Rural Development)
Show details for Hadjipavlou Georgia - Agricultural Research Officer A’ (Animal Production)Hadjipavlou Georgia - Agricultural Research Officer A’ (Animal Production)
Show details for Ioannidou Sotiroula - Agricultural Research Officer (Fruit Trees)Ioannidou Sotiroula - Agricultural Research Officer (Fruit Trees)
Show details for Ioannou Stavroula - Agricultural Research Officer (Rural Development)Ioannou Stavroula - Agricultural Research Officer (Rural Development)
Show details for Kapari-Isaia Theodora - Senior Agricultural Research Officer (Plant Protection)Kapari-Isaia Theodora - Senior Agricultural Research Officer (Plant Protection)
Show details for Kyratzis Angelos - Agricultural Research Officer A΄ (Vegetables)Kyratzis Angelos - Agricultural Research Officer A΄ (Vegetables)
Hide details for Kyriacou Marios - Senior Agricultural Research Officer (Vegetables)Kyriacou Marios - Senior Agricultural Research Officer (Vegetables)

Contact Information
Tel.: +357-22403221

Research Interests
Postharvest physiology and technology of horticultural crops
  • Physiological, physicochemical and phytochemical characterization of fresh produce quality ripening and senescence
  • Farm-to-fork etiology of produce quality: linking preharvest factors to postharvest performance of fresh produce
  • Rootstock-mediated effects on vegetable quality and postharvest behavior
  • Control of postharvest physiological disorders by non-chemical treatments
  • Carbohydrate metabolism and tuber dormancy

Show details for Mina Kyriacos - Agricultural Research Officer (Cultivar Registration Center)Mina Kyriacos - Agricultural Research Officer (Cultivar Registration Center)
Hide details for Neocleous Damianos - Senior Agricultural Research Officer (Natural Resources and Environment)Neocleous Damianos - Senior Agricultural Research Officer (Natural Resources and Environment)

Contact Information
Tel.: +357-22403115

Research Interests
  • Plant physiology
  • Plant Nutrition
  • Hydroponics

Show details for Omirou Michalis - Agricultural Research Officer A΄ (Agrobiotechnology)Omirou Michalis - Agricultural Research Officer A΄ (Agrobiotechnology)
Show details for Pallides Andreas - Agricultural Research Officer A’ (Plant Improvement)Pallides Andreas - Agricultural Research Officer A’ (Plant Improvement)
Show details for Papadavid George - Agricultural Research Officer A’ (Rural Development)Papadavid George - Agricultural Research Officer A’ (Rural Development)
Show details for Papayiannis Lambros - Agricultural Research Officer A’ (Plant Protection)Papayiannis Lambros - Agricultural Research Officer A’ (Plant Protection)
Show details for Pitta Christina - Senior Agricultural Research Officer (Plant Improvement)Pitta Christina - Senior Agricultural Research Officer (Plant Improvement)
Show details for Savvides Savvas - Senior Agricultural Research Officer (Fruit Trees)Savvides Savvas - Senior Agricultural Research Officer (Fruit Trees)
Show details for Seraphides Nicos - Agricultural Research Officer A’ (Plant Protection)Seraphides Nicos - Agricultural Research Officer A’ (Plant Protection)
Show details for Soteriou Georgios - Agricultural Research Officer A΄ (Vegetables)Soteriou Georgios - Agricultural Research Officer A΄ (Vegetables)
Show details for Sparaggis Dionysis - Agricultural Research Officer (Animal Production)Sparaggis Dionysis - Agricultural Research Officer (Animal Production)
Show details for Stavridou Constantina - Agricultural Research Officer (Plant Improvement)Stavridou Constantina - Agricultural Research Officer (Plant Improvement)
Show details for Stylianou Andreas - Agricultural Research Officer (Rural Development)Stylianou Andreas - Agricultural Research Officer (Rural Development)
Show details for Vassiliou Loukia - Agricultural Research Officer (Natural Resources and Environment)Vassiliou Loukia - Agricultural Research Officer (Natural Resources and Environment)
Hide details for Vassiliou Vassilis - Senior Agricultural Research Officer (Animal Production)Vassiliou Vassilis - Senior Agricultural Research Officer (Animal Production)

Contact Information
Tel.: +357-22403120

Research Interests
  • Plant protection/Entomology/Acarology
  • Insecticide Toxicology and Resistance
  • Integrated Pest Management
  • Biological methods, techniques, products, and beneficial predatory mites of the Phytoseiidae family for the control of insect and mite pests

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Cost, Profit and Selling Price Calculator for a Simple Farm Enterprise

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Sustainable environment and protection for wildlife

In case of Fire 112 or 1407

Ethics and Behaviour, Guide for Public Servants (Greek)
