Pharmaceutical Services

Risk Management Section

The Risk Management Section has the overall responsibility for Risk Management Plans. It participates in their formation taking into account the provisions of the European Legislation and makes the adjustments that will make the plans financially viable. In keeping with the above, it conducts consultations with farmers, producer groups and the organized agricultural movement in order to incorporate any suggestions that would make the plans more efficient for farmers.

The branch coordinates the implementation of all Risk Management plans and makes all the necessary arrangements to resolve any problems that arise. It conducts audits for the entire Risk Management spectrum and carries out the final assessment, calculations and payment of aid to the beneficiaries.

Eligible Plans through the Fund

Eligible are plans that operate through the Fund for the Protection and Insurance of Agricultural Production, which was established based on N103(I)/2019.

Every farmer can participate in the risk management actions through the Fund, provided that he has paid the annual contribution which is calculated based on his crops.

The Fund currently includes all outdoor agricultural crops and the sheep and goat sector (livestock and livestock premises). Agricultural infrastructure is also covered, provided that the provisions of the legislation are met. Greenhouses and net-houses as structures are not covered, unlike the under-cover crops. Also, other sectors of animal production are not covered as well.

A. Revised National Framework for Granting State Aid for Compensation for Damages in the Agricultural Sector 2014-2020

It includes three categories:

1. "Natural Disasters" (Earthquakes, landslides, avalanches and floods, as well as other natural disasters, provided that a satisfactory (accurate) description of them can be given, such as tornadoes).

2. "Extraordinary events" (War, internal disturbances or strikes and with certain reservations and depending on their extent, major nuclear or industrial accidents resulting in extensive losses).

3. "Adverse weather phenomena that can be equated to a natural disaster" (Frost, Rainstorm, Hail, Heavy rain, Sea, High temperatures, Temperature fluctuations, Snowfall, severe drought (no rainfall) Windstorm, Untimely Rainfall, Strong Dry wind, Hot dry air, High atmospheric humidity, dust in the atmosphere etc).

B. National Framework of State Aid for the reactivation of Agricultural Production and for the Restoration of the Environment in Areas Declared to be damaged by fire for the period 2014-2020

Owners or managers of land who are fully or partially engaged in agriculture and/or animal husbandry and who wish to reengage in their profession and repair the damages in the areas declared as affected by fire can participate in the framework, provided that they meet the provisions of the Plan.

C. Mufflon Plans

i) Compensation plan for damages caused to agricultural crops by Mufflons (Appendix IV).

ii) State Aid Plan for fencing in order to protect the crops from the damages caused by Mufflons (Appendix V).

D. De Minimis Aid

De minimis Aid for risk management purposes may be granted in cases where a specific loss cannot be covered by another Risk Management Plan. The maximum De minimis aid limit for each entity is 20,000 euro per three financial years.

E. Energy Protection Actions

Work in progress
