Republic of Cyprus

Adaptation to Climate Change

Adaptation to climate change

Negative Impact

As the average land and sea temperatures throughout the planet are rising, the occurrence of extreme weather events such as droughts, floods, heatwaves will occur more often. The negative consequences of these phenomena will become increasingly serious and will affect important economic sectors, such as agriculture, energy, transport, tourism and health. The intensity of climate changes and the resulting negative impact will not be the same in all geographical regions and in all of the above sectors. Households and businesses will also be affected, as well as some social categories, such as the elderly, people with special needs and disabilities and low-income households.

Positive Impact / Opportunities

On the contrary, some areas and certain sectors may experience benefits. For example, the Finnish farmers will be able to develop a wider variety of crops and the beaches in the United Kingdom will become more attractive for tourists. While many of the required measures concern protection against damage, in such cases the action should aim at enhancing natural defences.

Last Modified at: 20/09/2024 01:46:13 PM
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