
        In Cyprus there are three classes of aquifers. The first one is that of the clastic aquifers which are mainly developed in river and deltaic deposits as well as in marine terraces. In these aquifers, groundwater fills the pore space between the sand and gravel grains. In the second class belong the karstic and pseudo karstic aquifers. The former are developed in carbonated rocks such as limestones, dolomites and marbles while the latter mainly in gypsum. In this type of aquifers, groundwater takes up the voids (caves) which are created from the dissolution of such rocks.

        The fractured aquifers represent the third class of aquifers in which water fills up the space created by the fracturing of the sound bedrock-mass (fractured zones). The productivity of these aquifers depends mainly on the lithology, the extent of tectonic fracturing and the presence of (secondary) clay minerals.
              Clastic Aquifers: The most important clastic aquifer is that of Western Mesaoria (Morfou area) which is mainly developed in the alluvial deposits of the torrential river Serrahis. Its recharge results mainly from the flow of Serrahis’s tributaries which originate from the northwestern part of Troodos (the torrential rivers of Peristerona, Akaki and Palaiometocho). However, overpumping of the aquifer has resulted to a negative water balance and consequently to seawater intruding to a substantial part of it. Other notable clastic aquifers are those of South-Eastern Mesaoria (Kokkinochoria), that of Akrotiri, Germasogia and the Pafos coastal zone.
              Karstic and Pseudo karstic Aquifers: The most important karstic aquifer is that of the Pendadaktilos range, which develops in limestones, dolomites and marbles. Due to tectonism, the aquifer is compartmentalised in distinct sections which, prior to its exploitation through boreholes, recharged through overflow karstic springs known as “Kefalovrisa”, like the ones at the communities of Lapithos, Karavas, Kythrea and Akanthou. Less important karstic aquifers have also developed in the limestones of Terra and Koronia formations, at various parts of Cyprus such as the ones in the communities of Pegeia and Androlikou. Pseudokarstic aquifers occur in gypsum of the Kalavasos formation such as the ones in the areas of the communities Maroni and Aradippou in Larnaka District as well as in Giolou-Letymvou in Pafos District.
              Fractured Aquifers: Fractured aquifers are mainly developed in the Troodos ophiolites. The most promising hydrogeological conditions are observed in tectonically faulted and fractured gabbros, while in the lavas they are the poorest mostly due to the low permeability of these rocks. Fair prospecting conditions are also observed in faulted diabase, where mostly local aquifers develop. Similar types of aquifers develop in the massive chalks of the Lefkara formation as well.

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