Republic of Cyprus Emblem
Department of Forests

Director's Message

Dear friends,

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the website of the Department of Forests, one of the most important Departments under the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment. The creation of our webpage constitutes one more effort of the Department of Forests towards utilizing technology in order to communicate with the public and in particular those who have access to the internet, and to provide information on everything related to the state forests and other woodlands in Cyprus. We believe that the speed with which information is transferred will constitute an additional factor in assessing the value of the natural environment in our lives and in fostering love and respect for the forests.

Our primary concern was to create a user friendly webpage to serve users in the simplest way, but at the same time, one that will always be ready to provide immediate information and the potential for gradual upgrading with various data from the valuable material kept at the Department’s offices.

We are hoping that our webpage, apart from providing information on the history of our forests and the work of our Department, it will also provide the opportunity to students, teachers, researchers and others to find useful information through the different sections and to have direct and prompt access to accurate information on everything that is related to the forests of Cyprus.

Friendly regards,

Dr Savvas Iezekiel
Director of the Department of Forests

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